We are not alone in Atlanta. Savannah’s arts & culture industry is also undercapitalized.

According to the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, Georgia is ranked last in the country for money appropriated to arts agencies by state legislatures, with only $0.14 spent per capita in 2022. Just across the border, South Carolina is ranked second, spending $8.77 per capita. Florida, Alabama and Tennessee all spend nearly 10 times what Georgia does on the arts.

Writing in an article in the Savannah Morning News, Kristofer Moore says that “ Savannah is lucky in that it does spend a fair amount to support the arts, but more certainly could be done.”

Learn more about the situation in Savannah.


Arts for LA is an organization that advocates for an equitable, healthy, and vibrant Los Angeles region through the arts.


Overview of Arts Organization Capitalization Needs