A fact sheet from Americans for the Arts’ Arts and Economic Prosperity Survey 6.
Why the Arts Matter in Georgia
A fact sheet from the Arts Action Fund.
A fact sheet from Americans for the Arts’ Arts and Economic Prosperity Survey 6.
Arts and Creativity Strengthen Our Nation
A narrative and message guide for advocates to broaden and deepen support for public funding by the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.
Talk is cheap: To increase arts funding in Georgia, more action is needed
The state spends 14 cents per person with an arts budget of $1.5 million. Other surrounding states had much higher numbers: North Carolina with 84 cents, Alabama at $1.28, Tennessee at $1.47, South Carolina with $2.16 and Florida at $2.71, up from $1.41 last year.
2025 United Boards Exchange
On March 20, 2025, representatives from 40+ arts nonprofit boards gathered at Synchronicity Theatre to learn more about the state of the arts and begin to establish deeper community across agencies.
Slides from the event can be viewed here.
2024 Town Hall
On February 15, 2024, over one hundred arts nonprofit leaders, funders, and supporters gathered at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center for a presentation and public comment regarding the state of arts funding.
Slides from the event can be viewed here.
2023 Town Hall
On December 5, 2023, approximately 30 non-profit arts organizations came together with approximately 20 funders to discuss the state of the arts in Atlanta, to strategize ways to capitalize arts organizations, and to learn more about the challenges and opportunities facing each group.
The Atlanta Arts Collective proposed that the arts funding challenge in our city can be addressed in two stages:
Immediate: Capitalization of small and mid-sized arts organizations through a fundraising campaign that will help organizations manage cash flow in our current challenging times.
Long-Term: Creation of a centralized organization or agency focused on advocacy, data collection and anaylsis, and marketing.
The attached slide deck outlines the conversation and provides valuable information for anyone interested in the current arts funding challenge, as do the notes from the meeting.
How Movement-Accountable Intermediaries Can Change Philanthropy
Leaders of several intermediary organizations share how they envision their role within—and how they ultimately hope to upend—the philanthropic landscape.
60 Ideas in 60 Minutes: Museum Philanthropy & Membership Post Pandemic
A webseries from American Alliance of Museums
This L.A. Collaborative Is Strengthening the Local Arts Scene and Challenging Funding Norms
An Inside Philanthropy feature on Los Angeles Visual Arts Coalition (LAVA)
Next Phase: A Pooled Fund Aims to Transition LA Arts Organizations from Survival to Recovery
In February 2021, the California Community Foundation (CCF) announced the launch of the LA Arts Recovery Fund to support organizations with a pre-pandemic operating budget of under $10 million.
The Cultural Solidarity Fund (CSF) is an initiative administered by IndieSpace (formerly Indie Theater Fund) with leadership by LEIMAY and a coalition of arts administrators and institutions
Learnings from practitioners in the New York City-based organizations that serve ALAANA Culture and Communities, commissioned by Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the New York Community Trust.
Narrative Change for Racial Equity in Nonprofit Funding
An Exploratory Report on Community-Centric Fundraising in the Arts and Culture Sector by Erika Pettersen.
City of Charlotte, North Carolina’s Arts and Culture Plan
On Oct. 23, 2023, city staff presented the plan to Charlotte City Council for discussion. The City Council voted to accept the plan on Nov. 13, 2023.
Funding Choice Points: A Grant-making Reflection Tool for State Arts Agencies
A second edition NASAA report issued in 2024.
From Grantmakers in the Arts Reader, 2017
To Ensure Nonprofit Well-Being, Invest in Wages, Workload, and Working Conditions
Rusty Stahl, Founder, President, and CEO of Fund the People for Center for Effective Philanthropy
A report from Americans for the Arts, 2018.
Foundations involved in systems change can increase their odds for success by focusing on the least explicit but most powerful conditions for change, while also turning the lens on themselves.
How Rachel Garbus Would Fix Atlanta
Start Funding Our Art—And Artists—Properly
Let’s leverage our loss of the Sundance Film Festival into action
Sundance’s decision to no longer consider Atlanta gives us a wonderful opportunity to examine how we present ourselves as a center for arts and culture and what we can do to make sure we nurture our city, region and state as a true center for creativity and entertainment.
Friends of Georgians for the Arts operates to provide educational resources, programs, services, and events supporting the not-for-profit arts and culture community and to ensure the growth, prosperity, and sustainability of Georgian arts and culture.
Since 1975, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts has supported artistic expression and creative innovation by serving the legal needs of the Georgia arts and cultural communities. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, GLA provides advocacy and legal services through workshops, seminars, legal clinics and legal referral services.
The Bakery is a local nonprofit working to broaden awareness of, and build community around, progressive ideas in the arts. Their website features an artist directory, opportunities page, weekly event page, and arts and cultural assets map.